The Life of Vivekananda by
- Rolland Romain
- Rolland Romain
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-61303.
History of Ramkrishna Math & Mission by
- Gambhirananda S।
- Gambhirananda S।
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-61314.
My life And Mission by
- Vivekananda Swami
- Vivekananda Swami
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-61315.
Advaita Vedanta by
- Vivekananda Swami
- Vivekananda Swami
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-62226.
Sri Ramkrishna Of Biogarphy of picture by
- Advait Ashram
- Advait Ashram
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-66160.
Vivekananda A Biography in picture by
- Advait Ashram
- Advait Ashram
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-66161.
Eight Upanishadas Vol-I by
- Gambhirananda Swami-Tran।
- Gambhirananda Swami-Tran।
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-66191.
Eight Upanisads - II by
- Gambhirananda
- Gambhirananda
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-66192.
Concordance to chchandogya Upanishad
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-66199.
Brahma- Sutras by
- Vireswarananda
- Vireswarananda
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-67332.
The Mind And Its Control by
- Sw। Budhananda
- Sw। Budhananda
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-67648.
Bhakti- Yoga by
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-68337.
Jnana yoga by
- Sw। Vivekananda
- Sw। Vivekananda
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-68338.
Karma Yoga by
- Sw। Vivekananda
- Sw। Vivekananda
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-68339.
Raja-Yoga by
- Sw। Vivekananda
- Sw। Vivekananda
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-68340.
Talks With Sw। Vivekananda
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-68342.
Footballs Of Indian History by
- Sister Nivedita
- Sister Nivedita
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Advait Ashram, Colcutta।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-71354.