Rig-Veda-Sanhita Vol-I by
- Wilson H। H।
- Wilson H। H।
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Ashtekar & Co।, Poona" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-2202.
Rig-Veda-Sanhita Vol-II by
- Wilson H। H।
- Wilson H। H।
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Ashtekar & Co।, Poona" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-2203.
Rig-Veda-Sanhita Vol-1 by
- Wilson H। H।
- Wilson H। H।
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Ashtekar & Co।, Poona" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-2204.
Puranas by
- Wilson H। H।
- Wilson H। H।
Material type: Text
Publication details: The Society For The Resuscitation ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-2206.
Religion Of The Hindus by
- Wilson H। H।
- Wilson H। H।
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Trubner & Co।, London।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-44585.
Works -The Late H।H। Wilson Vol-IX by
- Wilson H। H।
- Wilson H। H।
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Trubner & Co।, London।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-44586.
Vishnu Purana by
- Wilson H। H।
- Wilson H। H।
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Trubner & Co।, London।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-52082.
Works- H।H। Wilson Vol-III by
- Wilson H। H।
- Wilson H। H।
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Trubner & Co।, London।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-52083.
The Vishnu Purana Vol-III by
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Trubner & Co।, London।" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-52084.
The Vishnu Purana Vol-5 by
Material type: Text
Publication details: "Trabner and Co।, London" ; --
Availability: Items available for loan: Hirachand Nemchand Wachanalaya, Solapur (1)Call number: HNW-52085.